Comment 15 for bug 1822129

Revision history for this message
Eric Desrochers (slashd) wrote :


I deployed a pike openstack env (including the horizon package found in -proposed)

[Test #1]

Expected result: /dev/sda

* Updated an image with the right metadata values:
$ glance image-update --property hw_disk_bus='scsi' --property hw_scsi_model='virtio-scsi' <IMAGE>

* Launched an instance using the image updated above

* Instance overview revealed:

Volumes Attached
Attached To
850806bd-4c97-4925-bda9-dfe744403f47 on /dev/sda

As expected ^

I confirm the fix works as expected for boot to image instance launch

[Test #2]

Expected result : /dev/vda

* Launched an instance using the image without metadata value.

* Instance overview revealed:

Volumes Attached
Attached To
b44eb145-f86f-47fa-a2d2-908bea7384cc on /dev/vda