Comment 16 for bug 1210447

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package quantum - 1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1

quantum (1:2013.1.3-0ubuntu1) raring-proposed; urgency=low

  * Resynchronize with stable/grizzly (06f679d) (LP: #1210447):
    - [e1d25de] Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.3
    - [1fb9952] Port profile should not mark vlan as native-vlan LP: 1186461
    - [2e49395] nec plugin: portinfo entries are not removed LP: 1187249
    - [7e5cb39] Enable router extension in Brocade Plugin LP: 1166516
    - [d298464] DbQuotaDriver allows setting of negative quota values
      LP: 1178886
    - [a6b23e1] when boot many vms with quantum, nova sometimes allocates two
      quantum ports rather than one LP: 1160442
    - [38ad51a] NEC plugin fails to process portinfo message after port delete
      LP: 1187701
    - [1458438] fail to delete network in nec plugin unless subnet is deleted
      explicitly LP: 1190163
    - [9b38a4b] All subprocess.Popen calls should go through common function
      LP: 1053381
    - [a99cc45] Qpid cannot serialize objects containing strings longer than
      65535 characters LP: 1175808
    - [57b2bcf] when a port have multiple IP addresses the port cannot
      communicate LP: 1190613
    - [0d59115] Big Switch Plugin Tenant_id for floating-ip port missing
      LP: 1190020
    - [b606ee1] compute node's OVS agent takes long time to scan sync all
      port's stat and update port security rules LP: 1194438
    - [1d3fee1] Fix Cisco Nexus plugin failures for vlan IDs 1006-4094
      LP: 1174593
    - [fffabc4] Ports created by l3 interface are DOWN LP: 1192883
    - [fe7646a] unable to unset gateway_ip on existing subnet LP: 1178273
    - [f97f1b3] Neutron DHCP agent generates invalid hostnames for new version
      of dnsmasq LP: 1204125
    - [c11cf21] Cisco plugin cannot create ports for non-admin VMs LP: 1202462
    - [b47efc4] Remove unused config parameters from Cisco plugin, document
      the others LP: 1201537
    - [b9daf57] Fix Cisco nexus plugin failure for first VLAN on phy interface
      LP: 1174852
    - [06f679d] Duplicate entries in the hosts file LP: 1191768
  * debian/control: Update Vcs fields.
 -- Adam Gandelman <email address hidden> Fri, 09 Aug 2013 10:08:11 +0100