Comment 0 for bug 1598783

Revision history for this message
Roman Podoliaka (rpodolyaka) wrote :

Depending on the exact version of dosfstools used when preparing a config drive FS it may not be detected by Cirron on boot. This is due to the fact, that Cirros currently performs a case-sensitive comparison of FS labels:

Apparently, dosfstools won't let you use lowercase labels on CentOS, while it works fine on Ubuntu:

All the descriptions of the config drive format mention "config-2", not "CONFIG-2":

Nothing is said about whether case-sensitive or -insensitive string comparison should be used for comparing of FS labels.

Looks like FAT standard does not specify how labels should be treated, but Windows (at least XP) stores those in upper-case:

"For FAT volumes, volume labels are stored as uppercase regardless of whether they contain lowercase letters. NTFS volume labels retain and display the case used when the label was created."

E.g. in Debian this was considered to be a bug and was fixed:;msg=2

It even was accepted to upstream:

and made it to 3.0.22 release.

Related bug in MOS: