Comment 4 for bug 2047686

Revision history for this message
Rajat Dhasmana (whoami-rajat) wrote :

Looking at the whole code around this in the netapp driver, this looks like legacy support for old netapp arrays but the netapp team can correct me.

The "creating a bootable volume from image operation" workflow starts with cinder calling clone_image[1] method of netapp nfs driver for efficient cloning.

Netapp driver tries to
1. finds the image in the cache (not image volume cache)[2]
2. directly clone it from mountpoint[1]

1. the cache is a file named img-cache-<image-id> in one of the nfs mounted shares[3]

Concern: this img-cache-<image-id> file is written when creating a bootable volume from image and is only possible with "earliest versions of FlexGroup[4]" as stated in the comment, which makes me feel this code is kept for backward compatibility.

2. checks if the image metadata has (type=nfs, share_location and mountpoint). If all 3 exist then continues with cloning[5]

Concern: not really sure who sets these properties in the image

And on top of all this, I'm not even sure if nfs:// prefix is used by any glance image. I'm aware that filesystem backend of glance store is used to emulate nfs behavior but that uses "file://" as prefix[6].

I agree with Brian's analysis that this can be treated as hardening opportunity but my concern is if the code in question is even used at this point and maybe a target for potential cleanup?
