Comment 2 for bug 1927186

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jiaohaolin (jiaohaolin) wrote :

hi Sofia:

The version we ussd is 'rocky',and the backend we used is 'inspur-instorage-iscsi' with multipath

And the cause of this problem has nothing to do with the backend what we use or multipath,
when we create a bunch of volume ,the requests would be scheduled to different cinder-volume service,and the allocated_capacity_gb would be incorrect because each cinder-volume service maintains its own allocated_capacity_gb.

For example:
We set up three cinder-volume service name A/B/C.And all three service have the same config. Then we create 100 10GB volume. May the 50 of 100 creating requests schedule to A,30 to B ,20 to C ,and each allocated_capacity_gb value of them would be 500GB ,300GB 200GB.And the valume of command 'get pool --detail' returned would be floating value depend on the value the latest cinder-volume service report to cinder-scheduler.