Comment 5 for bug 1885357

Revision history for this message
David Coronel (davecore) wrote :

I also tried with an original volume with a type in the same AZ, but I have the same issue:

$ openstack volume create --type stable1-az1 --size 1 david-stable1-az1-volume1
| Field | Value |
| availability_zone | zone1 |

$ openstack volume create --snapshot david-stable1-az1-volume1-snap1 david-stable1-az1-volume1-snap1-volume1

Invalid input received: Invalid volume_type provided: 3421912b-0ebc-4c53-b318-a95edfe3eb86 (requested type is not compatible; recommend omitting the type argument). (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-e26f466a-79da-4fbd-9f9d-785a0ea2b60f)