Comment 2 for bug 1871759

Revision history for this message
Christian Rohmann (christian-rohmann) wrote :

I just attempted to use the documented command from but that failed with a syntax error on the OpenStack client to select a microversion of the

1) List volumes
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# openstack volume list -f csv -c ID -c Status -c Size

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As you can see two attached volumes with 10G size each.

2) Attempt to extend one volume to 20G
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# openstack volume set d9bbb60b-0b83-45d4-8088-70160cd1d12d --size 20
Failed to set volume size: Volume is in in-use state, it must be available before size can be extended
One or more of the set operations failed
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3) Now try to extend using the api-version option as documented by your patch

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# openstack volume --os-volume-api-version 3.42 set d9bbb60b-0b83-45d4-8088-70160cd1d12d --size 20

volume version 3.42 is not in supported versions: 1, 2, 3
Invalid volume client version '3.42'. must be one of: 2, 3

# openstack volume --os-volume-api-version 3 set d9bbb60b-0b83-45d4-8088-70160cd1d12d --size 20

volume version 3.42 is not in supported versions: 1, 2, 3
Invalid volume client version '3.42'. must be one of: 2, 3
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Maybe just setting the major version to 3 is enough?

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# openstack volume --os-volume-api-version 3 set d9bbb60b-0b83-45d4-8088-70160cd1d12d --size 20
Failed to set volume size: Volume is in in-use state, it must be available before size can be extended
One or more of the set operations failed
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4) Using the cinder client to extend the volume just works

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# cinder extend d9bbb60b-0b83-45d4-8088-70160cd1d12d 20

# openstack volume list -f csv -c ID -c Status -c Size

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FYI the supported versions in my OpenStack Train environment are ...

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# openstack versions show -f csv

"Region Name","Service Type","Version","Status","Endpoint","Min Microversion","Max Microversion"
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