Comment 2 for bug 1791603

Revision history for this message
Boxiang Zhu (bxzhu-5355) wrote :

hi Eric, I was not attempt to create 1 GB volume for image whose min_disk property is 10GB.

I created an instance with 1GB volume, flavor(1 CPU 1 GB mem 10 GB disk) and cirros image which has not min_disk limit. It is successful. Then I created a snapshot of the instance which may be named as 'snap01'. Then I try to launch an instance with the snapshot 'snap01'. It is failure.

Please notice that if you choose the flavor(1CPU 1GB 10GB disk), the size of volume will be set 10GB. You must manually set the volume size to 1GB.

The image has a metadata named 'block_device_mapping' which has volume_size property(1GB).

I think the flow checks the volume_size of metadata(1GB) with the min_disk of the snapshot(10GB). but I set the volume to 10GB. Why not check the volume which will be created with the min_disk of snapshot?