Comment 8 for bug 1744160

Revision history for this message
Sean McGinnis (sean-mcginnis) wrote : Re: Change in iso8601 1.12.0 date format breaks parsing with py35

Some notes on testing and checking for this in projects.

You can see if a given project does its own iso formatting copied from oslo by doing:

    grep -r \'UTC\' ./* --include="*.py"

To test if a project is affected by the change, it needs to use the 1.12.0 version that is currently above our cap. To get that, run:

    . .tox/py35/bin/activate
    pip install --upgrade --force iso8601
    tox -e py35

Until the oslo.versionedobjects fix is available, some projects will see a lot of unit test failures coming out of there. Simplest way to check if there are other issues until then is to edit the locally installed copy in the venv:

    vi .tox/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/oslo_versionedobjects/