Comment 0 for bug 1740950

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

The Cinder API shows attached attachments with volume details, and it includes the attached_host information for the attachments, if present, regardless of whether or not an admin token is being used:

This means a non-admin can see compute host details when a volume is attached to their instance.

This is easily recreatable in devstack:

1. Show that I'm the demo user (can't perform admin things like service-list):

stack@queens:~/devstack$ nova service-list
ERROR (Forbidden): Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-services to be performed. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-9e4c01ef-6bf4-41af-9768-26936f137640)

2. Create a server and a volume and attach the volume to the server:

stack@queens:~/devstack$ nova volume-attach test-server1 373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9
| Property | Value |
| device | /dev/vdb |
| id | 373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9 |
| serverId | 43bc2379-86d5-49b2-a87c-5351e19ca69c |
| volumeId | 373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9 |
stack@queens:~/devstack$ openstack volume list
| ID | Name | Status | Size | Attached to |
| 373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9 | test-vol1 | in-use | 1 | Attached to test-server1 on /dev/vdb |

3. Show the volume details to see the attachment and the attached_host:

stack@queens:~/devstack$ openstack volume show test-vol1
| Field | Value |
| attachments | [{u'server_id': u'43bc2379-86d5-49b2-a87c-5351e19ca69c', u'attachment_id': u'95dbfdd8-a615-4c66-a32a-79dc0dfd344e', u'attached_at': u'2018-01-02T21:37:57.000000', u'host_name': u'queens', u'volume_id': u'373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9', u'device': u'/dev/vdb', u'id': u'373c2a29-f6e7-4931-adda-6b87a193e9f9'}] |

You can see that the host_name is in the response and the value is "queens" which is the compute hostname on this single-node install:

stack@queens:~/devstack$ sudo hostname

This is using LVM by default with devstack. I tried the same thing against vexxhost and host_name came back as None, so it might be backend-specific (vexxhost is using Rbd).

This is the vexxhost output for the same scenario:

(vexxhost) user@ubuntu:~$ openstack volume show test-vol1
| Field | Value |
| attachments | [{u'server_id': u'd1643bfb-1701-4adc-9980-c2553203d1f8', u'attachment_id': u'3e14b74b-7ee3-4fd8-9b8d-7a86be17cff9', u'attached_at': u'2018-01-02T21:48:32.000000', u'host_name': None, u'volume_id': u'588f0fdf-1531-44e7-8d92-16d4150c3634', u'device': u'/dev/vdb', u'id': u'588f0fdf-1531-44e7-8d92-16d4150c3634'}] |


This has been around since Havana:

This is significant because the default compute API policy is to not show the compute host/node information for a server instance for non-admin users, but with this exposure in the Cinder API, non-admin users can get around that restriction (potentially - again, it seems to depend on volume backend) to see the compute host on which the volume is attached.