Comment 13 for bug 1642111

Revision history for this message
Stefan Nica (stefan.nica) wrote :

I'm using 'lvm_type = thin' in the cinder configuration file and after switching from Newton to Pike, I've just started seeing errors that look very similar to those described here while running tempest. The following tempest test cases that are failing are apparently affected by this:


The errors reported by cinder-volume:

2017-09-19 17:07:49.716 21672 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server [req-b137810a-df14
-4691-b9d0-8c332360a1d2 0bd1b641b41143ebb3d5aab6e50e7f17 256184305a744ef7ba8c233
51934551c - default default] Exception during message handling: ProcessExecution
Error: Unexpected error while running command.
Command: sudo cinder-rootwrap /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf lvchange -a y --yes -k n
Exit code: 5
Stdout: u' Logical volume "volume-b1277905-b6e5-47db-a3db-124cad97fcc0" changed
Stderr: u' device-mapper: reload ioctl on (254:5) failed: No data available\n'