Comment 31 for bug 1373513

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John Griffith (john-griffith) wrote :

Spent some time digging through logs, it seems that there's one specific case where we hit this long running LVS and VGS command. It doesn't appear that the deactivate conf change has any relevance here at all.

Most of the logs I've looked at from the last few days have only two long running commands (over 60 seconds); one for an lvs and one for a vgs right after that. In addition, if you look at timings for the other calls they're all coming in around half a second.

Looks like there's something we're doing in the test process, or maybe it's an interaction with another LVM related command that's causing the remaining issues.

Also notice that we don't seem to be hitting Test failures for this any longer since the lvm.conf change landed. ERQ is still associating failures due to this being in the logs for almost every run, but the root failure on most of these seems to be unrelated to this issue.