Comment 1 for bug 1284321

Revision history for this message
Kurt Martin (kurt-f-martin) wrote :

Basically qos-key is not working in version 2 of the api, all the other commands are working in version 2 of the api

[stack@kurt-devstack:/opt/stack/cinder]↥ qos+* ± cinder help | grep qos
    qos-associate Associate qos specs with specific volume type.
    qos-create Create a new qos specs.
    qos-delete Delete a specific qos specs.
    qos-disassociate Disassociate qos specs from specific volume type.
                        Disassociate qos specs from all of its associations.
                        Get all associations of specific qos specs.
    qos-key Set or unset specifications for a qos spec.
    qos-list Get full list of qos specs.
    qos-show Get a specific qos specs.