Comment 3 for bug 1048262

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

rendercheck is part of x11-apps, but *only* for Quantal (version 7.7). It's not present in Precise which only has version 7.6.

 Work needed:

1- Ask the test's author if he knows whether rendercheck is available for Precise and see about getting the dependencies correct for this one. I'm checking to see if the test can require: a specific package version.
2- Fix the script to make it check for its requirements internally. I prefer scripts to be runnable standalone, so this would make sense anyway.
3- Fix the script so that if it fails to run a command, it shows a useful error message instead of erroring out. This is the reason why Samantha's results report shows nothing; the script was happily printing stuff to stdout when an exception appeared due to rendercheck not being found. So the script stops abruptly with no indication of what went wrong (as that was in stderr).