Comment 0 for bug 1026614

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

This report was generated on Precise with Checkbox 0.14.2~ppa6.12.04. This is the same version that's shipping for Quantal and the submission.xml format hasn't changed significantly so I expect this bug to also be present in Quantal.

Steps to reproduce:
- Either run checkbox and complete some tests to generate a submission.xml file (usually in ~/.cache/checkbox), or download the attached submission.xml file.
- chromium-browser submission.xml

Expected result:
- Chromium renders the XML file, at the very least showing the text, even if not formatted.

Actual result:
- Blank page, nothing is shown.

Just to make sure that it's not Chromium's fault, I used this XML file (copy it to a text file), and this displays nicely, even showing collapsible nodes:

Given the rate of adoption for Chromium, and the fact that it overrides Firefox as the default browser when installed (which IMHO is wrong, but that' not something we can really fix on our side), it'd be good to try to ensure our XML files can be at least opened on Chromium.

Based on the above, I'll triage this as High.