Comment 1 for bug 1387843

Revision history for this message
Daniel Manrique (roadmr) wrote :

The processor information is being (almost) correctly extracted from cpuinfo according to Ashley's powerpc updates:

      <processor id="0" name="0">
        <property name="count" type="str">1</property>
        <property name="model" type="str">POWER8E (raw), altivec supported</property>
        <property name="model_number" type="str">IBM pSeries (emulated by qemu)</property>
        <property name="model_revision" type="str">2.0</property>
        <property name="model_version" type="str">pvr 004b 0200</property>
        <property name="other" type="str">emulated by qemu</property>
        <property name="platform" type="str">pSeries</property>
        <property name="speed" type="str">3457</property>
        <property name="type" type="str">pSeries</property>

However, when running the submission through the newest parser I get:

$ plainbox dev parse submission </tmp/sub.xml >/tmp/sub.json
viERROR:root:Error running event handler for 'test_run' with args (<checkbox_support.parsers.submission.TestRun object at 0x7f21a13ecb38>,) {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/src/checkbox/bzr/trunk/checkbox-support/checkbox_support/parsers/", line 308, in publishEvent
  File "/src/checkbox/bzr/trunk/checkbox-support/checkbox_support/parsers/", line 242, in notify
  File "/src/checkbox/bzr/trunk/checkbox-support/checkbox_support/parsers/", line 216, in notify
  File "/src/checkbox/bzr/trunk/checkbox-support/checkbox_support/parsers/", line 687, in setProcessorState
    cache=processor["cache"], other=processor["other"],
KeyError: 'cache'

Also, Sylvain found that the architecture's name is mutating:

17:37 < spineau> roadmr: sounds crazy but it seems that somebody decided to
                 rename ppc64el to ppc64le
17:37 < spineau> roadmr: only ppc64le is properly recognized by the parser
17:37 < spineau> roadmr: and guess what the submission has, <architecture