Comment 2 for bug 1575155

Revision history for this message
Denis A. Grigoriev (dgreenday) wrote :

No error shown if chatter was banned after several unsuccesful connection attempts.
I'm on rc-proposed.

From file /home/phablet/.cache/upstart/application-click-chatter.robert-ancell_chatter_19.log:
Loading module: ''
qml: Page_QMLTYPE_13(0x191a8c8)"Chatter": In Ubuntu.Components 1.3, the use of Page.title, Page.flickable and Page.head is deprecated. Use Page.header and the PageHeader component instead.
file:///opt/ QML Page: Binding loop detected for property "height"
QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
qml: ircs:// < PASS (hidden)
qml: ircs:// < NICK dgreenday
qml: ircs:// < USER chatter,0,*,:Denis Grigoryev
QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene.
qml: ircs:// > NOTICE *,*** Looking up your hostname...
qml: ircs:// > NOTICE *,*** Checking Ident
qml: ircs:// > NOTICE *,*** Found your hostname
could not open containers config file "/home/phablet/.local/share/libertine/ContainersConfig.json"
qml: ConversationPage_QMLTYPE_79(0x19e9128): In Ubuntu.Components 1.3, the use of Page.title, Page.flickable and Page.head is deprecated. Use Page.header and the PageHeader component instead.
[PERFORMANCE]: Last frame took 103 ms to render.
qml: ircs:// > NOTICE *,*** No Ident response
qml: ircs:// > 465 dgreenday,You are banned from this server- Your irc client seems broken and is flooding lots of channels. Banned for 240 min, if in error, please contact <email address hidden>. (2016/10/10 20.03)
qml: ircs:// > ERROR Closing Link: (*** Banned )
ERROR << QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError
ERROR << QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError