Comment 4 for bug 1317567

Revision history for this message
Reed O'Brien (reedobrien) wrote :

Thanks for that comment. It is helpful for a bzr newb.

Here is the reason I was asked to comment it out.

I have 113 ingested charms:

robrien@erwin:~/py/charmworld/ngrams$ curl localhost:9200/charms/charm/_count?q=* && echo

I develop then I run the tests to ensure nothing is broken (just the culprit for brevity here):

robrien@erwin:~/py/charmworld/ngrams$ ./bin/test charmworld/tests/
Ran 1 test in 0.480s


Now I have no index or ingested charms:

robrien@erwin:~/py/charmworld/ngrams$ curl localhost:9200/charms/charm/_count?q=* && echo
{"error":"IndexMissingException[[charms] missing]","status":404}

I run es-update:

robrien@erwin:~/py/charmworld/ngrams$ ./bin/es-update

I now have an index but no charms:

robrien@erwin:~/py/charmworld/ngrams$ curl localhost:9200/charms/charm/_count?q=* && echo

Now I need to re-ingest to get charms again which takes a non-trivial amount of time.