Comment 2 for bug 1182656

Revision history for this message
Matt Bruzek (mbruzek) wrote :

I was not able to get the drupal6 charm to install on power. I slogged through several power related problems and ran into a problem where the install is referencing a file incorrectly.

2014-09-18 22:08:02 INFO install + install -o root -g root -m 0644 files/php/php_conf.d_apc.ini /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini
2014-09-18 22:08:02 INFO install install: cannot stat 'files/php/php_conf.d_apc.ini': No such file or directory

It looks like the install hook should be looking for php5_conf.d_apc.ini

ubuntu@stilson-01:~/charms/trusty/drupal6$ ls files/php
php5_conf.d_apc.ini php5-fpm_pool.d_www.conf

This is one of many problems I am seeing on power, so I don't know if this will fix the install problem.