Comment 0 for bug 1624173

Revision history for this message
Brad Marshall (brad-marshall) wrote :

I've got a cloud deployed with Trusty and mitaka (from the cloud archives), using keystone v3.

I'm having troubles with mitaka ceilometer not working by default with keystone v3. As deployed, I get:

$ ceilometer meter-list
Service Unavailable (HTTP 503) (Request-ID: req-21d65a42-1254-4bc9-9d14-2ed50a6ddbed)

After some searching around and hacking up the ceilometer.conf, I got it working. The changes required in {{{/etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf}}} were:

os_auth_url =
os_endpoint_type = internalURL
os_region_name = bootstack-jalasoft

user_domain_name = Default
project_domain_name = Default

That is, I added os_endpoint_type and os_region_name to the service_credentials set, and fixed os_auth_url to be using /v3 instead of a hard coded /v2.0. Also I added user_domain_name and project_domain_name in keystone_authtoken.

Note I'm not sure if all of those are required, specifically os_endpoint_type I wasn't 100% sure.

Once I added those and restarted the appropriate services, I could get output from {{{ceilometer meter-list}}}.

Ceilometer charm is rev 141, keystone is rev 260.