Comment 3 for bug 918803

Revision history for this message
Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

Diogo, thanks thats great! Promulgated, with one additional change:

W: website-relation-joined not executable

You should run 'charm proof' on your charm after changes, as it will find obvious errors like this one.

Anyway, I chmod +x'd that and have promulgated the charm. It is now a part of the official collection, and available at lp:charms/oops-tools

Well done!

For future changes, you should branch that branch, and propose merges against it. If you would like to become a member of the charmers team, just keep on charming, and apply for the team. If you would like to maintain the branch directly, or as a team, thats fine, let us know and we can form a sub-team of charmers to do that.