Comment 2 for bug 905410

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Nick Barcet (nijaba) wrote :

Great charm, thanks a lot. A few remarks.

[1] You need to cryptographically verify the source of the owncloud-2.0.1.tar.bz2 file.

I'd suggest using charm-helpers, like this:

add-apt-repository -y ppa:charmers/charm-helpers
apt-get update
apt-get install -y charm-helper-sh

. /usr/share/charm-helper/sh/
ch_get_file "xxxxxxxxxx"

where xxxxxx is the sha256sum of the file (works with sha1 or md5 too..)

This is a blocker before we can promulgate your charm.

[2] set -eux
while the x option might be useful for debugging your code, you should removing it before doing an upload.
This is a blocker mild blocker before we can promulgate your charm.

[3] would be nice to be able to access file via https too. Have a look at lp:charm/roundcube for an example implementation

[4] currently, as you well know, your charm will not be able to handle add-unit (or will do so by publishing separate databases), which should be solved once you have done your mysql implementation

[5] you have defined in metadata.yaml an http relation but there is no website-relation-joined hook yet. You can find an example at
This is a blocker before we can promulgate your charm.

[6] it is a good practice to include a readme file in the charm directory which give some explanation of what the charm does, and how to use it. You can find an example at:

[7] You start hook is definitely empty at them moment. It should at least do a 'service apache2 restart'
This is a blocker before we can promulgate your charm.

[8] It might be a good idea to do an apt-get upgrade -y in the beginning of your install.

Thanks again for the work you have put on this, it looks great. Only remarks [1] [5] [7] and maybe [2] are real blockers before we can promulgate it. Looking forward to playing with it some more!