Comment 2 for bug 1421230

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Cory Johns (johnsca) wrote :

Greetings, Cory. Thank you for this high-quality charm submission.

The URL for the test failure results is broken, and the correct URL is: (note that the test results is only for neutron-calico)

I notice that you have already resolved the lint failures for neutron-calico, however I'm still seeing `make test` fail due to missing dependencies. I believe the test target should also install the following required packages:

  * python-nose
  * python-mock
  * python-netaddr
  * python-netifaces

With those additions, all of the tests passed for me for this charm. The code of the charm also looks good and there are no other issues that I can see, and everything deploys fine per the instructions in the README. However, the README doesn't include any instructions on how to interact with the deployed charm to confirm that it is functioning correctly. That said, once the test target is fixed, I would give the neutron-calico portion of this review a +1.