Comment 1 for bug 1389825

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Charles Butler (lazypower) wrote :

Greetings Lamont

Thank you for the submission of the openvpn-server charm, this will be a welcome addition to our trusty series of charms. I've taken some time to review the proposal and have the following notes:

# Charm Proof
E: Unknown relation field in relation nrpe-external-master - (gets)

Anything above an I is to be treated as an actionable work item for the charm to meet policy. The gets/sets bits in metadata have been depreciated recently. While they were probably in the docs when the charm was under active development - this is no longer the case and can be safely omitted. If you wish to document data-points being transmitted over the wire, I suggest you place that information in the Readme so charm authors can get up to speed quickly with what to do to relate to the charm.

We also use a tool titled 'bundletester' to help in rapid policy verification and test execution - if your charm includes make targets for linting and/or testing - we expect them to return with a 0 exit code. The make lint target gave me a slew of output, which would need to be fixed as it will cause the charm to fail on all substrates in CI.

Once you've got these issues shored up I'd be more than happy to take another look.

Thank you again for your contribution to the charm store, and I look forward to the next iteration of the openvpn-server charm.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns about the review contact us in #juju on or email the mailing list <email address hidden>, or ask a question tagged with "juju" on