Comment 13 for bug 1278369

Revision history for this message
Matt Bruzek (mbruzek) wrote :

Hello Joshua,

Thank you for your continued efforts on the Metis charm. I apologize for the delay since the last review. Our review queue ( ) is very large at the moment because so many people are contributing new charms and updates to existing charms. After a charm is reviewed it goes to the end of the queue and starts the journey over again. We appreciate your patience with the review queue process.

The Metis charm is already available in your personal name space at:
Other people can download and deploy your charm from this personal name space.

To get in the Juju Charm Store charms must be reviewed to ensure they are of the highest quality.

For charms targeted at trusty releases policy is the charm must have amulet tests ( ). Because the Metis charm review started before this became policy this is not a hard requirement but having tests would help ensure quality and help our automated testing effort. An example of some amulet tests are here:

# Review


The README file is in markdown format (and looks great by the way!) but will not actually be converted to HTML on the Juju website unless it is saved with the .md extension. After reading the README document I still did not know what Metis was supposed to be doing or how to use Metis. A section on what Metis can be used for and how to access it after deployment would be useful. I set up the nodeList.json and created an “example” directory under /var/www/data/ but I did not know how to proceed. For example do I go to http://metis-ip/Metis/ or something? How do I use or test that Metis is working?

## website-relation-joined

This website-relation-joined hook sets port 8080 for the website relation. After deploying Metis I found the default nginx default web page was available at port 80. This mismatch on ports should be resolved.

Also as was pointed out in an earlier review “open-port” is never called by any of your hooks. If your charm is deployed stand-alone then you need to handle the ports yourself (I did not see instruction on how to use the Metis with other charms such as apache2 or nginx). The command “juju expose” works exclusively with the open-port command. If Metis needs port 80 or 8080 open the hooks must to call open-port. For security reasons the cloud environments default to all ports closed and calling “open-port” works with the security groups of the environment to make the port available.

## install

You use the $USER variable but hard code “root” in the mkdir command on line 63. I would recommend following your $USER convention there.

I would also recommend not using 1777 file permissions for all the Metis files. I believe the convention for nginx and apache is to set the owner of files to www-data.
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/Metis
sudo chmod -R 0755 /var/www

In the end your charm is VERY CLOSE to passing the review criteria. Thank you for your continued effort on the Metis charm. I am going to move this bug status to incomplete. When you are ready for another review move the status to “Fix Committed”.

We are always here to help, so if you have any questions contact us on IRC in #juju, my nickname is mbruzek. You can also email <email address hidden> if you want a wider audience.

Thanks again for your patience in the process. As I wrote before our review queue is large and as humans we do not scale very well. We appreciate the investment of your time in writing charms!