Comment 2 for bug 1075400

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Paul Czarkowski (paulcz) wrote :

heh, idiot forgot the copyright, weird I'm sure I ran charm proof and didn't get an error before I uploaded it. musta been drunk. Not a big fan of the template errors, I guess I finally managed to clear them off, but really there was nothing wrong with the file itself. I think there might be something screwy with the checks as I cleared all 4 of the warning lines when I changed a single line.

$ charm proof


this should take care of securing the gem install bundler -
sed -i "s|||" /opt/kibana/Gemfile


$HOME stuff is cleaned up ... although I am using it to cd back to the right place after chdir'ing briefly into /opt/kibana .. . I guess I could use pushd/popd to do this ... might play with this and change.


fixed the "tar /; mv" garbage with new (to me) tar option --strip 1 so I can untar it directly in /opt/kibana ... neat.