Comment 3 for bug 1025352

Revision history for this message
Mark Mims (mark-mims) wrote :

dude, please add a more explicit example to the README... maybe with a picture of some sort? Please also show an example monitors.yaml file.

Isn't JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT a superfluous guard? Is there a better one for subordinates?

log empty 'monitors' variable with instructions please.. don't just exit quietly.

prefer hooks calling scripts rather than hooks calling hooks...
results in a call graph that's tougher to debug than necessary imo.

Might also be a good idea to mention that hooks for `local-monitors` eclipses hooks for `juju-info`... at least atm.

Notes for how I tested this...

    818 juju deploy --repository . local:nagios
    819 juju deploy --repository . local:mysql
    820 juju deploy --repository . local:nrpe
    826 juju add-relation mysql nrpe
    828 juju add-relation nagios nrpe
    830 juju expose nagios
    870 juju add-relation mysql nagios