Comment 1 for bug 1007419

Revision history for this message
Adam Gandelman (gandelman-a) wrote :

Hi Robert-

Thanks for submitting. This is very cool stuff.

A couple of things that popped out at me on first review:

- I'd prefer the 'package-installation-directory' to default to somewhere other than /home/server-packages. Traditionally, /home should be reserved for users' homes and not a packaging dumps. Perhaps /var/lib/juju/rainbow/server-packages or something similar?

- While I'm totally cool with the 'purge-instance' and 're-install-mysql-server' related parts of the install hook, other people are more conservative with regard to instance re-use and would probably prefer users destroy and redeploy units rather than use the install hook as a sort of container scrubber.

- rainbow-relation-changed uses open-port to open up port 80, though the vhost config for the application is customizable in the corresponding stripe charm. If a user configures a stripe charm to setup a vhost on something other than port 80, shouldn't the rainbow charm be able to detect this and open up the correct port?

I'm a little unsure about the charms reliance on corresponding stripe charm. I'll open that review @