Comment 8 for bug 2020909

Revision history for this message
Kevin Nasto (silverdrake11) wrote :

To recreate this issue quickly, set consumer_timeout = 60000 in rabbitmq. This is equal to one minute (lowest value rabbit will support).

The following repo sync should take about 2 minutes. So with a one minute rabbitmq value, it should not finish in time and reproduce the bug. The activity should fail with "No transition: delivered=>delivered"

landscape-api create-distribution ubuntu

landscape-api create-series --pockets security --components restricted --architectures i386 --gpg-key mirror-key --mirror-uri --mirror-series focal focal ubuntu
landscape-api sync-mirror-pocket security focal ubuntu --json
landscape-api get-activities --query type:SyncPocketRequest --limit 1

Then delete the series and try again with a better timeout, restart rabbit and it should work.

landscape-api remove-series focal ubuntu