Comment 3 for bug 2020909

Revision history for this message
Andy Wu (qch2012) wrote :

I've hit this issue in one of the deployment, the failure is caused by the default consumer_timeout v value(30min) in rabbitmq. The first sync pockets activity, depending on the network bandwidth, can take more than 30 min, while the sync is in progress, the rabbitmq close the session after the timeout, causing the acvitivty to fail in landscape.

The workaround is to increase or disable the consumer timeout before the first sync

juju ssh rabbitmq-server/leader

cd /etc/rabbitmq
echo "
  {rabbit, [
    {consumer_timeout, undefined}
]. " | sudo tee /etc/rabbitmq/advanced.config

# restart rabbitmq
sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server

# ensure timeout is disabled
sudo rabbitmq-diagnostics environment | grep consumer_timeout