Comment 2 for bug 1989748

Revision history for this message
Facundo Ciccioli (fandanbango) wrote :

For completeness, this is a minimal bundle which shows the issue:

series: focal
    charm: cs:nova-compute
    channel: stable
    revision: 337
    num_units: 1
    - "0"
    constraints: arch=amd64
      ephemeral-device: loop,10240M
    charm: cs:ovn-chassis
    channel: stable
    revision: 21
      enable-auto-restarts: false
  "0": {}
- - ovn-chassis:nova-compute
  - nova-compute:neutron-plugin

The culprit is enable-auto-restarts being false, which sort of makes sense since I figure installing neutron-ovn-metadata-agent would cause some things to restart.

We are trying to work around this by manually installing the package and will post if this is valid.