Comment 6 for bug 1998333

Revision history for this message
Aliaksandr Vasiuk (valexby) wrote :

So I was able to reproduce on stable openstack bundle with "bionic" osc

1. Generated model via OpenStack model generation script[1]
2. Deployed OpenStack bundle[2], wait until stabilized, unsealed vault
3. juju deploy --revision=22 --series="bionic" --channel=stable/latest openstack-service-checks
4. juju deploy nagios
5. juju deploy nrpe
6. juju add-relation ceph-osd nrpe
7. juju add-relation nrpe:monitors nagios:monitors
8. juju add-relation openstack-service-checks nrpe
9. juju add-relation openstack-service-checks:identity-credentials keystone:identity-credentials
10. juju run-action \
--wait vault/0 get-root-ca --format json \
| jq -r '."unit-vault-0".results.output' \
| base64 -w 0 \
| xargs -I {} juju config openstack-service-checks trusted_ssl_ca={}
11. Logged into ocs unit and run $ sudo python3 /usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins/
