Comment 3 for bug 1905752

Revision history for this message
Dan MacDonald (allcoms) wrote :

I had forgot to tag the image I wanted to use for the amphora but after doing that I still cannot created a LB.

I tried creating my latest test LB about 40 minutes ago and now when I run:

openstack loadbalancer show lb3

I still see provisioning_status | PENDING_CREATE

and it eventually just gives up octavia-worker.log:

2020-11-26 17:24:54.618 148019 ERROR octavia.amphorae.drivers.haproxy.rest_api_driver [-] Connection retries (currently set to 120) exhausted. Th
e amphora is unavailable. Reason: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='fc00:b:374e:57fe:f816:3eff:fe91:4d71', port=9443): Max retries exceeded with url: // (
Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7ff2047b6828>, 'Connection to fc00:b:374e:57fe:f816:3eff:fe9
1:4d71 timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)'))
2020-11-26 17:24:54.618 148019 ERROR octavia.controller.worker.v1.tasks.amphora_driver_tasks [-] Amphora compute instance failed to become reachab
le. This either means the compute driver failed to fully boot the instance inside the timeout interval or the instance is not reachable via the lb
-mgmt-net.: octavia.amphorae.driver_exceptions.exceptions.TimeOutException: contacting the amphora timed out

Don't I need to switch Octavia to using a ipv4 management subnet if I want to use it with an IPv4 subnet?