Comment 15 for bug 1884312

Revision history for this message
Jeff Hillman (jhillman) wrote :

In this same environment, I added a vault local the openstack model, just for secrets-storage and I'm seeing the same behavior.

To be clear, I now have 2 vaults. one in its own model just to hand out certificates, and a 2nd one, in the openstack model, just for secrets-storage.

Nova-compute will NOT fully relate to the vault in the openstack model, it is giving the same messages as before, that there are no units in the relation.

When I run "juju run --unit nova-compute/0 'relation-list -r secrets-storage:267'" I see the 3 vault units.

When I run "juju run --unit nova-compute/0 'relation-get -r secrets-storage:267 - vault/0'" i see the egress-subnet, the ingress subnet and the role_id/token.

When I run this on the other 2 vault units, I only see the egress/ingress subnet information.

Nova-compute is sitting at 'Incomplete relation: vault'

Also, again like before with CMR and secrets-storage, barbican-vault is sitting at Unit is Ready with this in-model vault deploy.