Comment 3 for bug 1859869

Revision history for this message
macchese (max-liccardo) wrote :

using juju debug-log it seems to me that nova-compute is missing settings from cinder-ceph because the unit is wrong ( I deleted cinder and then redeployed it)

 unit-nova-compute-2: 16:15:31 WARNING unit.nova-compute/2.ceph-access-relation-changed ERROR cannot read settings for unit "cinder-ceph/1" in relation "nova-compute:ceph-access cinder-ceph:ceph-access": unit "cinder-ceph/1": settings not found

in fact the cinder-ceph unit is 4 and not 1

App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message
cinder 23.0.0 active 1 cinder 2023.2/stable 663 no Unit is ready
cinder-ceph 23.0.0 waiting 1 cinder-ceph 2023.2/stable 528 no Incomplete relations: nova-compute
cinder-mysql-router 8.0.35 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller 28.0.0 active 1 nova-cloud-controller 2023.2/stable 717 no Unit is ready
nova-compute 28.0.0 error 2 nova-compute 2023.2/stable 703 no hook failed: "ceph-access-relation-changed"
nova-mysql-router 8.0.35 active 1 mysql-router 8.0/stable 111 no Unit is ready
ntp 4.2 active 2 ntp stable 50 no chrony: Ready
ovn-chassis 23.09.0 active 2 ovn-chassis 23.09/stable 178 no Unit is ready

Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
cinder/1* active idle 1/lxd/12 8776/tcp Unit is ready
  cinder-ceph/4* waiting idle Incomplete relations: nova-compute
  cinder-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
nova-cloud-controller/1* active idle 0/lxd/10 8774-8775/tcp Unit is ready
  nova-mysql-router/1* active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/2 error idle 0 hook failed: "ceph-access-relation-changed"
  ntp/3 active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
  ovn-chassis/6 active idle Unit is ready
nova-compute/3* error idle 1 hook failed: "ceph-access-relation-changed"
  ntp/2* active idle 123/udp chrony: Ready
  ovn-chassis/5* active idle Unit is ready