Comment 17 for bug 1796923

Revision history for this message
Liam Young (gnuoy) wrote :

I think we need to be a bit careful about attributing deployment failures to this bug as there are many reasons why a charm may not have got the full relation data from a charm it is related to. I think the latest crashdump is yet another bug (3rd distinct bug attributed this bug). Anyway, <tl;dr> The latest crash dump looks like a duplicate of Bug #1794850 </tl;dr>.

In the lastest crashdump the incomplete relations, as reported in the juju_status.yaml, show both neutron-gateways stuck with "Incomplete relations: network-service", this is consistent with them lacking information from the nova-cloud-controller. Looking at the nova-cloud-controller statuses (and their subordinates) shows them still running ha setup hooks. As admcleod observed the units of the nova-cloud-controller charm appear to get stuck just before 11:00am. Taking nova-cloud-controller/0 as an example nova-cloud-controller/0 (and its subordinates filebeat/66, hacluster-nova/2, nrpe-container/45 and telegraf/67) illustrates this point So, why are they stuck?

Only the leader hacluster unit should be setting up hacluster configuration, however, two seem to be doing it ad exactly the same time:

$ grep -E "Configuring Group.*nova" nova-cloud-controller_*/var/log/juju/unit-hacluster-nova*log
nova-cloud-controller_0/var/log/juju/unit-hacluster-nova-2.log:2018-11-15 10:55:33 DEBUG juju-log ha:64: Configuring Groups: {'grp_nova_vips': 'res_nova_eth0_vip res_nova_eth1_vip'}
nova-cloud-controller_2/var/log/juju/unit-hacluster-nova-1.log:2018-11-15 10:55:33 DEBUG juju-log ha:64: Configuring Groups: {'grp_nova_vips': 'res_nova_eth0_vip res_nova_eth1_vip'}

This should not be happening as in master this setup is gated by is_leader(). However, the deployment that the crashdump is from is using cs:hacluster-49 which is missing commit 6b6a1776. 6b6a1776 updates the charm from using the old and buggy 'oldest_peer' to using the Juju is-leader primitive. So, I think this should be fixed with the latest charms.