Comment 11 for bug 1468871

Revision history for this message
Ryan Beisner (1chb1n) wrote :

Apologies - this was erroneously placed into an In-Progress state. There were one or more in-person discussions on this at recent planning sprints, and I'll do my best to get it down on paper:

The current behavior is by design. Having multiple distinct instances of the nova-compute charm, represented as unique applications is a common way to represent different types of compute nodes. The logic behind the current implementation is that nova live migration is most often not possible across heterogeneous architectures. That, admittedly, is an aging view, which can certainly be invalidated with solid user stories / use cases.

As Alex has commented, some important pre-requisite work has been completed, which is nice. But the bottom line is this is feature work, and a feature request exists (via this bug, and in the product backlog) to develop cross-application nova live migration. In order to address this, that effort needs to get priority as a non-trivial engineering effort.