Comment 11 for bug 1839300

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Frode Nordahl (fnordahl) wrote :

To add some color on the background for our wish to use FQDNs it goes beyond fixing Masakari, we are also increasingly met with other subsystems with FQDN as a default like OVS/OVN, so continuing with just the shortname will be a uphill battle. We have also faced brittleness in meeting other subsystems configuration issues, like missing search domain configuration.

I do see your concerns about using something bound to a interface name or other mutable/likely to change over a clouds lifetime values.

The concerns Chris raises in #10 are also 100% valid and valuable, and I think we can address that concern with the existing migration network binding/configs.

To amend my comment in #8 there actually is a libc call we can use to get the "official" name of a host (this is also what `hostname -f` uses), with rigorous fallback that might do it.

In any case we must ensure that the principle and subordinate charm on a single host agree on their name.