Comment 1 for bug 2013078

Revision history for this message
Rodrigo Barbieri (rodrigo-barbieri2010) wrote :

Investigated further today, and comparing successful and failed deployments, I see the following differences on the 4th unit:

mysql-py []> \sql SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE '%replication%'

the above command shows very diffirent results from both deployments, then:

ERROR: 3093: The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.

on the successful deployment ^.

ERROR: 3092: The server is not configured properly to be an active member of the group. Please see more details on error log.

on the failed deployment ^. Looking at the logs:

[ERROR] [MY-010381] [Repl] Group Replication plugin is not installed.

mysql-py []> \sql SHOW PLUGINS

group_replication | ACTIVE | GROUP REPLICATION | | GPL

the line ^ is present on the successful deployment but not on the failed one

Looking at juju logs with TRACE debug level I don't see any difference in output grepping -i for the word "group".

Another interesting fact is that when the 4th unit is being added it automatically becomes a coordinator, invoking the coordinator layer and relation [1]
