Comment 3 for bug 2012457

Revision history for this message
Dominik Bender (ephermeral) wrote :

My post deployment steps:

manila type-create nfs-sc1 false
manila type-key nfs-sc1 set share_backend_name=CEPHFSNFS1 storage_protocol=NFS
manila create --share-type nfs-sc1 --name sc1-test nfs 1

| Property | Value |
| id | cae8e1be-ea67-4df9-b7b2-ce74e59983e6 |
| size | 1 |
| availability_zone | None |
| created_at | 2023-03-22T02:56:58.586046 |
| status | creating |
| name | sc1-test |
| description | None |
| project_id | ec101c020cd94de3bdc7ef514021e0e2 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| share_network_id | None |
| share_proto | NFS |
| metadata | {} |
| share_type | 37d4c44a-4b17-4dd6-ab0e-f8f3691c3c25 |
| is_public | False |
| snapshot_support | False |
| task_state | None |
| share_type_name | nfs-sc1 |
| access_rules_status | active |
| replication_type | None |
| has_replicas | False |
| user_id | a6c7ceede9af466089380c141428d439 |
| create_share_from_snapshot_support | False |
| revert_to_snapshot_support | False |
| share_group_id | None |
| source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None |
| mount_snapshot_support | False |
| progress | None |
| is_soft_deleted | False |
| scheduled_to_be_deleted_at | None |
| share_server_id | None |
| host | |

after some minutes:

| Property | Value |
| id | cae8e1be-ea67-4df9-b7b2-ce74e59983e6 |
| size | 1 |
| availability_zone | nova |
| created_at | 2023-03-22T02:56:58.586046 |
| status | error |
| name | sc1-test |
| description | None |
| project_id | ec101c020cd94de3bdc7ef514021e0e2 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| share_network_id | None |
| share_proto | NFS |
| metadata | {} |
| share_type | 37d4c44a-4b17-4dd6-ab0e-f8f3691c3c25 |
| is_public | False |
| snapshot_support | False |
| task_state | None |
| share_type_name | nfs-sc1 |
| access_rules_status | active |
| replication_type | None |
| has_replicas | False |
| user_id | a6c7ceede9af466089380c141428d439 |
| create_share_from_snapshot_support | False |
| revert_to_snapshot_support | False |
| share_group_id | None |
| source_share_group_snapshot_member_id | None |
| mount_snapshot_support | False |
| progress | None |
| is_soft_deleted | False |
| scheduled_to_be_deleted_at | None |
| share_server_id | None |
| host | |
| export_locations | [] |

I ran into the same error as attempting yesterday that I described here:

manila.exception.ShareBackendException: json_command failed - prefix=fs subvolume create, argdict={'vol_name': 'ceph-fs-sc1', 'sub_name': 'f25f4db5-c4ac-424f-93cf-0be5712d4dda', 'size': 1073741824, 'namespace_isolated': True, 'mode': '755', 'format': 'json'} - exception message: [errno -110] error calling ceph_mount.