Comment 18 for bug 1987702

Revision history for this message
Alex Kavanagh (ajkavanagh) wrote :

> We currently have all the openstack charms on stable/21.10 as that was the last openstack release when we did the upgrade.
I'm surprised about 21.09. Are there other charms where 21.10 is not good?

It's a bit confusing for sure. So the "21.10" charms was the last pre-charmhub track release of the whole set of charms that the OpenStack team provided. This was pushed to the latest/stable track (ultimately).

Since then, the charms have split into the following groups:

- OpenStack charms
- OVN charms (ovn-chassis, ovn-dedicated-chassis, ovn-central)
- Ceph charms (ceph-osd, -mon, etc.)
- Support charms (rabbitmq-server, mysql-innodb-cluster, mysql-router, hacluster, vault)

The different sets of charms have different tracks on charmhub that mostly map to stable branches on the git repositories.

e.g. if you do a "juju info" for keystone, NO 21.10 track exists, and that charm is only available (currently) on latest/stable. However, yoga, xena, etc. tracks do exist.

For the ceph charms, the track names are the upstream codenames: quincy, pacific, nautilus, etc.

And for the OVN charms, the tracks also follow the upstream codenames which are (unfortunately for our previous naming convention), and a recent one was 21.09. But juju info ovn-chassis also shows 22.03, 20.12 and 20.03 as releases.

In order to see how all this maps together, we have some docs at:

So the stable/21.10 branch is no longer a target for development as, for charmhub, there are other active and stable branches: 20.03, 20.12, 21.09, 22.03 and master.

Hope that this helps clarify the situation.