Comment 1 for bug 1869663

Revision history for this message
Tim Van Steenburgh (tvansteenburgh) wrote :

More details from chat in Slack:

Stamatis Katsaounis 11 minutes ago
the cloud-config secret is updated by the kubernetes-master, but the openstack-cloud-controller-manager pod seems to ignore it, that's why I have the error in this launchpad bug

tvansteenburgh 10 minutes ago
And you've tried restarting that pod?

Stamatis Katsaounis 9 minutes ago
I did that kind of trials with tenant-domain-name today. I found out that to make it work I have to edit the deployment to add something arbitrary to make the pods become recreated

tvansteenburgh 8 minutes ago
So just deleting the pod and letting it be recreated doesn't work?

Stamatis Katsaounis 8 minutes ago
and this one worked. Before that, I deleted a pod without changing the deployment but the subtitution did not have the new cloud-config secret.