Comment 1 for bug 1847419

Revision history for this message
Pedro GuimarĂ£es (pguimaraes) wrote :

To find out the right folder for the "folder" parameter on vpshere-integrator, do:

1) Pull govc (from VMWare's govmomi lib) from github and install it on your PATH
2) Grab the CA cert for your vCenter (follow steps available online)
3) Fine one machine to grab its name, on juju, with "juju list-machines":
## List the machines available with juju list-machines:
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started REDACTED juju-uuid-0 bionic poweredOn

4) Run govc with:
## Get one of the instance names, for example: juju-10f793-0 and search for it via govc
## Remember that special characters such as ?, ! or $ need to be replaced by \?, \! or \$
$ govc find -u USER@VCENTER_DOMAIN:PASSWORD@VCENTER_IP/URL vm -name juju-uuid-0

5) Output should look like:

6) The folder name is the value for "CONTROLLER_UUID_FOLDER". Run:
juju config vsphere-integrator folder="CONTROLLER_UUID_FOLDER"