Comment 1 for bug 1989466

Revision history for this message
Tom Haddon (mthaddon) wrote :

The reason this hasn't worked is because you've got the two sites in the same model and ingress is at the cluster level (i.e. outside of the model).

I think you want to use the ingress-proxy relation as documented on

juju deploy postgresql-k8s
juju deploy redis-k8s redis-cache
juju deploy redis-k8s redis-broker
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator
juju trust nginx-ingress-integrator --scope=cluster
juju deploy indico --config site_url=https://test.indico

juju relate redis-cache indico
juju relate redis-broker indico
juju relate indico postgresql-k8s:db
juju relate indico content-cache-k8s:ingress-proxy
juju relate nginx-ingress-integrator content-cache-k8s:ingress