Comment 6 for bug 1895185

Revision history for this message
David Ames (thedac) wrote :

First interface PR for after 21.01 release [0] will stop the bleeding on this bug but not resolve the need for an "external" binding concept [1] [2].

Ultimately, the solution will need to be implemented in the vault charm itself with an address selection function (potentially get_vault_url) that can take in quite a few considerations.

We have a few primary problems for the original intention of external binding that need consensus on solutions

* Juju does not have the primitives to determine if a request is coming from an internal or external source
* Juju does not have a per relation *ID* binding, i.e. "secrets:2" rather than "secrets"
* It is not that we have too few possible bindings but too many: "access", "external", "certificates", "secrets", "cluster"
  * It is very likely if not inevitable that the relation, secrets, could be bound to a different space than the extra binding, access. How do we choose?

Possible solutions

* It is possible the "external" binding concept needs to be abandoned.
* The vault-kv interface can add an "external" variable to the request such that the vault charm's get_vault_url can then be guaranteed to use its "external" binding.
