Comment 0 for bug 2065572

Revision history for this message
ashutosh gautam (ashugauttam225) wrote :


We faced an issue while pushing the image through opensatck dashboard.

we tried to to upload a 5.5G image through Horizon webui. That fails, but the CLI works.
We ran some tests and found that /tmp is being used to hold the temporary file.
8.5M /tmp/systemd-private-bf0f1d5622ae4b1bba0d7c34c7530e4f-apache2.service-sAg1Hg/tmp/tmpr5z6fm55.upload.img

There is no option for direct glance transfer right now.

It seems that the default and only available mode for horizon I can see right now is to use tmpfs (/tmp) to store the image on disk first and then push it to glance. Its current size is only 2G
root@juju-e9cbb4-5-lxd-19:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 2.0G 139M 1.9G 7% /tmp

Eventhough it is true we have a workaround(Increase the size of fstab), we do need to make the functionality work in Horizon.

We would want to raise a feature request for direct upload images to glance without using any /tmp as an intermediate location.
