Comment 0 for bug 1712127

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Casey Marshall (cmars) wrote :

I'm relating my applications to haproxy:website. haproxy seems to be giving an address that is unresolvable by consumers.

This might be exacerbated by the fact that the unit provisioned by Juju (2.x, openstack provider) doesn't seem to resolve its own name:

(mojo-stg-omnibus)stg-omnibus@wendigo:~$ juju ssh omnibus-internal/0
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Last login: Mon Aug 21 17:19:26 2017 from
ubuntu@juju-5d3328-stg-omnibus-12:~$ hostname
ubuntu@juju-5d3328-stg-omnibus-12:~$ ping juju-5d3328-stg-omnibus-12
ping: unknown host juju-5d3328-stg-omnibus-12

The haproxy charm should provide a resolve-able address in the relation, such as hookenv.unit_public_ip().