Comment 10 for bug 2064503

Revision history for this message
Myles Penner (mylesjp) wrote :

@freyes and I had a look at this bug and believe the issue stems from ApacheSSLContext defined in[0] never fetching the provided port value in the api-listening-port config option:

The template that renders cinder-wsgi.conf uses 'ext_ports' as the external port[1]
ApacheSSLContext in charm-helpers provides the template that 'ext_ports' value[2]
ApacheSSLContext in defines hard codes external_port as 8776[3]

It doesn't appear that the user-provided port value in 'api-listening-port' gets fetched at all.

A possible solution could be as follows:

# charm-cinder/.../hooks/

class ApacheSSLContext(SSLContext):
    interfaces = ['https']
    external_ports = [8776]
    service_namespace = 'cinder'

    def __call__(self):
        # late import to work around circular dependency
        from cinder_utils import service_enabled
        if not service_enabled('api'):
            return {}
        # fetch the user-provided port if provided and use it as 'external_ports'
        if config('api-listening-port') > 0 and config('api-listening-port') < 65536:
            self.external_ports = [config('api-listening-port')]
        return super(ApacheSSLContext, self).__call__()
