Comment 0 for bug 1679902

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quequotion (quequotion) wrote :

I think cerbere is fighting with systemd during shutdown.

I had set org.pantheon.desktop.cerbere.crash-time-interval to 10,000 while working on some indicators (broken indicators can cause continuous crashing of wingpanel) and lately it's taking a long time, almost a minute, to shut down.

See attached shutdown log.

I think the problem would be the same with the default timeout, although it would happen faster. It looks like cerbere thinks systemd killing the desktop is a crash--or perhaps systemd's method does not allow the process to exit cleanly?

One way to avoid this would be to somehow ensure cerbere is killed before the desktop on shutdown, which I would figure gnome-session does anyway but that doesn't seem to be what's happening (not sure if gnome-session is properly told to exit before systemd starts killing stuff).