Comment 2 for bug 2018952

Revision history for this message
suzhengwei (suzhengwei) wrote :

I didn't use 'max_retry'.

Please try two messaging publishers, as following:
          - notifier://$user:$password@$rabbit_server1_ip:5672?driver=rabbit&topic=cloud1-metering
          - notifier://$user:$password@$rabbit_server2_ip:5672?driver=rabbit&topic=cloud1-metering

If rabbit_server1 not works('ping' with ip is ok, but 'telnet' with port failed), the messages can't publish to rabbit_server2.
#ping $rabbit_server1_ip
PING $rabbit_server1_ip 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from $rabbit_server1_ip: icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=0.392 ms
#telnet $rabbit_server1_ip 5672
Trying $rabbit_server1_ip. . .
telnet: connect to address $rabbit_server1_ip: Connection refused